Dutch Nutrient Platform
The Nutrient Platform (NP) is a cross-sectoral network of Dutch organizations that share a common concern for the global impact of phosphorus depletion and the way society is dealing with nutrients in general. NP takes up the responsibility to facilitate organizations throughout the value chain in closing the phosphorus cycle.
Our mission is to create the conditions that are necessary for the transition towards sustainable nutrient use. The platform practices a “learning by doing” approach, building on ongoing experiments in search for more sustainable solutions. It builds on the special position of the Netherlands, having nutrient surpluses at their disposal in a (future) world of shortage. If the need for more efficient use and recycling of nutrients is more widely realized, the solutions developed for recovering and managing surpluses in agriculture, sanitation, surface water and soils (like in the Netherlands) can be of broader and global use.
In this approach, research and experience with current solutions are the drivers for new research and better solutions in the future. Markets and policies will evolve together to create new opportunities. Policies shape the conditions on how markets manage critical resources. In order to make this cyclical learning process work, the platform needs partners throughout the whole nutrient value chain.
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Find out more
Dutch Nutrient Platform
Bezuidenhoutseweg 2
2594 AV, Den Haag
T: +31703043758
T: +31650248447