Plenary opening session |
Welcome | Stefan Gäth | Board of the German Phosphorus Platform |
Why a European Conference on Sustainable Phosphorus? | Arnoud Passenier | President of the ESPP |
Germany’s approach to phosphorus as a Critical Raw Material | Florian Pronold |
Parliamentary State Secretary for the Environment (BMUB) |
Länder actions on sustainable phosphorus and circular economy | Martin Kneisel |
Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden- Wuerttemberg |
What since 2013? |
Why the Netherlands are committed to support P sustainability in Europe and worldwiwde – Netherlands a frontrunner in innovation | Arnoud Passenier |
Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, Netherlands |
EU work on the sustainable use of phosphorus | Pia Bucella |
EC DG Environment |
Fostering Research and Innovation in Support of Circular Economy | Luisa Prista |
EC DG Research & Innovation |
Sustainable Phosphorus Management: meeting the needs of civil society | David Sears |
European Economic & Social Committee |
Success stories |
Success Story: P recovery at Slough WWTP using Ostara Process | Rosanna Kleemann |
Thames Water Utilities (UK) |
Berliner Pflanze | Alexander Schitkowsky |
Berlin Water (DE) |
NuReSys P & N recovery as struvite | Carl Dewaele |
NuReSys (BE) |
Experiences of phosphorus recycling at the Käppala Waste Water Treatment Plant | Cecilia Bertholds |
Käppala WWTP (SE) |
Development of phytase in animal feed | Philippe Becquet |
DSM (CH) |
Urine use in fruit production | Xiangyang Chen |
Tianshui Sweetest Apples Company (CN) |
Manure processing | Viooltje Lebuf |
VCM (BE) |
WWF Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award | Ottilia Thoreson | WWF (SE) |
Parallel sessions |
P in the environment – Reducing phosphorus losses: big returns on big investments |
Cost efficient abd profitable ways to counteract eutrophication | Mathias Bergman | Baltic Sea Action Group |
Polish P index | Beata Jurga | Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation |
Peter Leinweber | Rostock P Campus | |
Eight mehtods to prevent phosphorus loss from agriculture | Kuno Kasak | University of Tartu |
P from farm to fork – Phosphorus sustainability and innovation in the agricultural supply and the food industry |
Meat, Diet and Phosphorus Sustainability | Will Brownlie | NERC, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology |
The Sustainability Consortium | Frank de Ruijter | Wageningen University and Sustainability Consortium |
From ash to fertilizer | Rob de Ruijter | Ecophos |
Phosphorus, global food security, planetary boundaries, Geopolitical issues, international cooperation, global nutrient governance |
Phosphorus Governance | Felix Ekardt | P Science Campus Rostock |
Geopolitics and Governance of Phosphorus | Arno Rosemarin | SEI Stockholm Environment Institute |
A social aspect to planetary boundaries: Equity in access to resources for food | Helena Kahiluoto | LUKE Natural Resources Institute Vantaa |
Agricultural phosphorus efficiency and sustainable intensification |
Sustainable Intensification and nutrient recycling | Allan Buckwell | RISE Foundation Sustainable intensification |
Sustainable phosphorus management on dairy farms | Debbie McConnell | ECIP European Cattle Innovation Partnership |
Agricultural phosphorus efficiency and sustainable intensification | Javier Brañas Lasala | Fertiberia |
Skill development for closing the P cycle |
Skill development for closing the P cycle | Sofie Bouteligier | OVAM |
Regions implementing sustainable P management |
Switzerland - Phosphorus flows, policy and perspectives | Anders Nättorp | FHNW, P-REX |
Strategy for phosphorus recovery in Denmark | Linda Bagge | Danish Environmental Protection Agency |
Case of Brittany in France | Sébastien Homo | Cooperl, France |
International perspective |
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission | Monika Stankiewicz | HELCOM (Baltic Sea Commission) |
Global policy experience with nitrogen ... Why not with phosphorus? | Will Brownlie on behalf of Mark Sutton | CEH / INI (International Nitrogen Initiative) |
P sustainability research coordination and emerging network: a North American view | Helen Rowe | NAPPS (North American Partnership for Phosphorus Sustainability) |
Conclusions |
Conclusions from the R&D workshop | Tomáš Turecki | EC DG Research & Innovation |
Phosphorus Grand Challenge – A $ 10 million prize | Melodie Naja | Everglades Foundation |
The workshop organised by the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation), P-REX and ESPP on 4th March (at BAM, Berlin) brought together 80 participants and 28 nutrient recycling projects. Initiatives present included R&D and demonstration projects funded by the EU (FP7, LIFE+, InterReg) as well as national funded projects and industry initiatives. Below you can find the presentations from that day.
Download here the Workshop-report.
A short summary of the workshop can be found from the SCOPE Newsletter 112.
Explanation of the Purpose of the Workshop |
Welcome | Christian Adam | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -Prüfung (BAM), Germany |
Presentation of EU funded research and demonstration projects |
Fostering phosphorus recovery and recycling from sewage sludge - opportunities for Europe | Christian Kabbe |
Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berling GmbH (P-REX project) |
RecoPhos: Recovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge and sewage slude ash | Harald Raupenstrauch |
Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria (RecoPhos project) |
Sludge preparation for agricultural use: Results from the ROUTES project |
Giuseppe Mininni |
CNR - IRSA, Italy (ROUTES project) |
Integral management model for phosphorus recovery and reuse from urban wastewater |
Laura Pastor | Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo (DAM), Spain (PhorWater Project) |
P recovery and recycling - outcomes of the FP7 END-O-SLUDG project |
Richard Clarke & Ruben Sakrabani |
United Utilities, UK & Cranfield University, UK (END-O-SLUDG project) |
BIOREFINE: Innovative strategies for the recycling of inorganic chemicals from agro- and bio-industry waste streams |
Erik Meers |
Ghent University, Belgium (BIOREFINE project) |
BioEcoSIM: An innovative bio-economy solution to valorise livestock manure into a range of stabilised soil improving materials for environmental sustainablity and economic benefit for European agriculture |
Jennifer Bilbao |
Franhofer Institue for Interfacial Engineeering and Biotechnology IGB, Germany (BioEcoSim project) |
Green fertiliser upcycling from manure: Technological, economic and environmental sustainability demonstration | Maël Ruscalleda Beylier | University of Girona, Spain (manureEcoMine project) |
Research and demonstration needs |
Overview of the BioRefine cluster | Erik Meers | Ghent University, Belgium |
P-recovery routes different processes and approaches: Status R&D | Chris Thornton | Euorpean Sustainable Phosphorus Platform |
Relevant funding opportunities under Hotizon 2020 | Tomas Turecki | DG RTD, European Commission |
Barriers and pre-conditions for deployment |
Technology Approval Groups and experience with barriers to deployment |
Suzanne Faber | Isle Utilites |
Sirja Hukari | Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Switzerland |
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ESPP sent out a call for posters on success stories in sustainable phosphorus management. Focus was presentation of implementation experience, with an emphasis on market / user application and uptake, business model, reproducibility and transferability. Below you can find a list of all posters presented at the ESPC2015. |